
Main Features

Our Main Services

Exclusively Hormonal And Diabetic Lab

All Hormones tested daily. We issue report on same day.


All Pediatric And Adult Endocrine Disorders Childhood And Adolescence Obesity

Adult Obesity

Obesity can lead to type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and some cancers. Strategies Prevent & manage Obesity


In 2019 , IDF (International Diabetic federation ) estimates that 1 in 11 adults (20-79 years)have diabetes.

About Us

Samrat Endocrine Institute and Lab.

Samrat Endocrine clinic & Lab is established since 1996. It was first of its kind all over Marathwada. In 2006 Samrat Endocrine Clinic was marched in its new own expanded setup & renamed as Samrat Endocrine Institute of Diabetes, Obesity & Thyroid.

  • Center of excellence in field of medicine
  • for the challenging diseases like Diabetes
  • serve the society to achieve healthy & happy life.
  • A good Work Environment For work
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Our Mission & Vision

Better Information, Better Health

Exploring recent updates & its implementation in both Paediatric & adult Endocrinology to serve the society to achieve healthy & happy life.
Center of excellence in field of medicine for the challenging diseases like

  • Diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Thyroid
  • Growth Disorder




Problem Solve


Award Winning



Our Services

Dedicated Services


Meet Our Qualified Doctors


Dr. Hemant Phatale


Dr. Priti Phatale

Childhood and Adolescence Obesity
Specialist Honoured as a National Fellow
by World Obesity Federation.

News & Article

The News from Our Blog

Awards received by our Doctors.

"Awards received - Dr. Priti Phatale & Dr. Hemant Phatale"

Frequently Asked Questions

Get Every Single Answers There if you want

  • How to know my child is growing normally or not?

    Growth means gain in height & weight proportionate to age & sex. Height of child depends upon parenteral height. If parents are tall child will be tall & vice versa. Weight gain should be proportionate to height & age of the child.

  • What is Childhood Obesity?

    According to WHO (WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION) childhood obesity is defined as deposition of excess fat in the body to the extent that health my get hampered. According WHO childhood obesity is one of the most serious public health challenges of the 21st century.

  • Can we prevent childhood obesity?

    Following measures helps to prevent childhood obesity By tracking growth of high risk babies 1.Babies born to women with pre gestational or gestational diabetes. 2.Babies with birth weight <2.5 kg or >3.5 kg. 3.Top fed babies 4.Babies with strong family history of diabetes &obesity. For infants & young children • Early initiation of breastfeeding within one hour of birth or as early as possible for the babies delivered by caesarean section. • Exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months of life. • The introduction of nutritionally-adequate complementary (solid) foods at 6 months together with continued breastfeeding up to two years of age or beyond. For School -aged children and adolescents • Increase consumption of fruit and vegetables, as well as legumes, whole grains and nuts; • Engage in regular physical activity (60 minutes a day). • Avoid calorie dense food & sweet beverages.

  • Is obesity a disease?

    Yes. Following associations declared obesity as a disease • The American medical association • World Health Organization • World Obesity Federation • Canadian Medical Association Obesity is a medical condition which occurs not only due to calorie dense food & lack of exercise but due to multiple other reasons.